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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finally to my Destination: Kandern, Germany

After a long flight from the Philadelphia to Basel (France) I am finally to my end destination: Kandern, Germany. The journey to get here has been long and emotional; however, EVERY step of the way God has been blessing me which continues to strengthen my faith. I cannot thank the Lord enough for everything He has done including His amazing and wonderful children He has placed within it. 
The hearts of my friends and family have never been more evident than in this moment. It is when you truly begin to trust in Him and whole-heartedly give everything up to Him that amazing strength and endurance start to throw more logs on your fire of faith for Him. It is my personal hope and desire that I never allow myself to dwindle that fire, especially since our fleshly desires as humans tend to impede on such a mission. 

Pictured Above: Heather, Brittany and ME :-)

After arriving here my schedule quickly picked up and I was blessed to be able to hang out with and get to know my roommates, Heather and Brittany (pictured above). They have been so wonderful to be around and super helpful in the "move in" process. Without them my head would definitely be spinning. The breakdown is as follows:  Tuesday morning I arrived, Brittany picked me up and unfortunately her battery in her car died (and we were able to get help from some nice Black Forest Academy gentlemen), we then waited at the airport for 2 to 3 hours, went home to unpack at my apartment (pictured below!), go to the grocery store, have dinner, and watch a movie with my roomies (This was all Tuesday). Then Wednesday I was able to attend the New Staff Orientation that was occurring all week and met some great people in which I will be serving with this year, went to tour the Elementary school, got picked up by my roommate Heather to visit my school (the Middle School), had lunch, went to an "All Staff Meeting," and went to Basel, Switzerland with my roommates (this is where the picture is taken!). Thursday, finally, we woke up to head to the bank and IKEA to purchase different things we needed for our apartment and classrooms, had lunch in IKEA, ran back and forth delivering materials and such to our apartment and school, went "Sparmuelling" (aka picking up things from the side of the road that people do not want -- this happens 2 times a year), went home to have dinner, and relaxed a little for the evening and got to know one another a little better. All-in-all you could say that I have been go-go-go since I got here which has been great!! 

Our apartment is the middle section of this beautiful German house :-)

Even though my journey ahead is completely unpredictable and somewhat frightening at points, my one constant is what keeps me going:  our Lord Jesus Christ. From here I follow His hands and feet allowing Him to control the paths of my actions, fully and completely giving my heart up to Him in this time of immense faith and growth not only as a person but a child of God. May I never lose sight of Him as I glorify Him in all that I do and say in the presence of His children.

Once again thank you for all of your support and prayers. It is my hope to update my blog a lot more now that I am actually to my destination of serving Him. Within these next couple of days/weeks please keep in prayer the setting up of my classroom, establishing and writing curriculum for my Math/Algebra/Computer classes and that the Lord will be with all of us here at BFA as we seek to glorify Him in all that we do. With that being said please know that I am praying for you and your family as we all support one another in this community of believers. God Bless!!

"...but I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." ~Luke 22:32


  1. So happy to read that things went so well for you from the start Megan. The Lord is with you, and blessing you! <3 You are in my thoughts and prayers dearest. God bless you!! <3

  2. So glad to have you here in this apartment! Burgunderstrasse love!
