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Friday, February 24, 2012

God's Kisses

This has been a topic very heavily discussed between my freshman small group girls that I co-lead and specific chapels here at BFA. Today, specifically, I was able to experience the "kisses of God" that were meant for only me. I take joy in sharing these moments with you.

Today while at work I received an email that made my day. I'm talking smiling from ear to ear in excitement for what God is doing within our middle school. Recently I was given the task of teaching 6th grade Health. After a very small hesitation I decided to go for it. Well, it turns out that this would be the BEST decision that I've made in a while. Not only do I get to spend some time with the 6th graders, but I get to reach out to them in ways that I did not even realize.

Games elective that my roommate and I teach together

Just yesterday we started a unit in Health that requires the boys and girls to be split up into two groups. The boys are with a male teacher and the girls are with me. You can only imagine the things that we talk about as it regards to the changes that our bodies go through as we grow into adults. Well, yesterday I was able to sit down with the girls and have a special "tea time" where we sipped hot tea (that they were able to pick out themselves) and little pieces of chocolate. The girls were SO EXCITED and it was a nice time that we could be open and honest about our lives. Well, to my joy there was an email for me this morning from a parent of one of the girls in my Health class. It read:

So, a bit of follow-up that might make you smile.  
My daughter told me in the car on the way home that they had "a talk"... without the boys....
She said it was nice cause they got tea and goodies (nice touch!)  
On the way home we stopped by the store to get bread.  She went in too and bought her own stuff.  I thought she was buying candy, but no!  She was buying deodorant!  Too cute. And she told me in the car that she was going to buy a comb, because you told her that it was not good to brush your wet hair with a brush! You should always use a comb!  She decided to not buy the comb though, since it was too expensive and we had an old one at home! :)

Okay, that's just for you.  Don't tell her I told you or she'd kill me.  But it absolutely made me smile and I thought you'd get a kick out of it too!  You see!!!! They were listening!

My heart still smiles from reading that message. God continues to bless me with stories and experiences that I am able to have with the amazing people that He has created in the community around me. Sometimes it's easy to feel down and upset because I am away from home and often miss my friends and family, but God is constantly sending me "kisses" to remind me of His steadfast love for me -- oh, how I LOVE HIM so much.

Then, as if life could not get any better today, when I got home from school I received an email from a 7-year-old girl that must have read about me through my missions organization. The email reads as follows:

Dear   miss   taylor.    my    name   is    XXX    i    am   7   years    old!     what    is    it    like    in    Germany? it    is    snowing    just   a   litle   bit   hear! we   have   been    praying for   you! can   you   write    back    to    me?   oh   right    i have    1   sister   and   my two    brothers   are in   heaven! 
in   christ     XXX!

HOW INCREDIBLY TOO CUTE!!! God just continues to "kiss" me and send me love in the form of encouraging notes and amazing words. Through others He continues to show me how much He truly loves all of us and uses His specific, special ways to do so. I hear you God, I am listening, and I know now -- more than ever -- that you love me. Help me to stay in Your will and glorify You through the things that I do, the words that I speak, and the relationships that I have with Your children. I love you.

Hillsong church in London, England (we went for the Sunday service)

London, England:  Parliament and Big Ben

This past weekend I was also able to have the pleasure in taking a short trip to London, England with some girls that work at BFA with me. It was SO NICE to be able to spend time with others that I do not see that often (because they work at the high school and elementary school). The much needed break was a great get-a-way from hectic life and an AWESOME way to reconnect with God. In those small and big moments it was evident to me of His love not only for me, but for His people. ALL of us.

My prayer for you, my friends, is that you are able to see how God specifically kisses YOU, not your neighbor, not your friend, not your spouse, but YOU. He loves YOU and desires a personal and deep relationship with YOU. If you'll allow Him, He'll send you kisses too. :-)

The famous red telephone booths in England

While on "The Eye" (a huge enclosed farris wheel in England)

Lexi and I in front of the Place (Yes, where the Prince got married)

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. ~ John 15:13

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