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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Putting my Feet into the Water...

Where did October go? It just seems like yesterday that I sat down to scribble some ideas down for my Blog and then before I knew it October was practically over.  Within these past couple of weeks there have been numerous events that have taken place: Middle School overnight, Pottery market, new staff gatherings, subbing at the Middle School dorm, Middle School fall party, Cross Country meets and finals, progressive dinner for small group bible study, parent teacher conferences, Herbstmesse, small group bible study sleepover…not to mention I learned how to drive stick-shift and am now teaching German.

While arriving in Kandern, Germany a couple months ago I just merely placed my feet in the water; however, as time passed and I was able to get more of a grip on what I was doing and who I was with I suddenly realized that my feet were fully immersed into the water. My hope is to give you a little glimpse of the community that I am now apart of, physically, mentally and spiritually.

 The middle school overnight was a great chance to get to know the middle schoolers a little bit better without the typical "school" setting that we are used to. I have to admit, working at BFA is unlike any other school I have encountered. The students are not afraid to be seen with their teachers, normally, and they quite enjoy spending time with them when possible. The middle school overnight was a great chance to grow alongside of them spiritually as well as socially. A great start to what seems like will be a wonderful year together.

Töpfermarkt is Kandern's annual pottery market that displays the multitude of talented potters from the surrounding areas. In order to sell your pottery at this specific market you have to prepare ahead of time and actually be "accepted" into it about a year in advance. I know, intense. Regardless, the pottery that you get to see AND buy is amazing. The detail that goes into every line, color, and detail amazes me and makes me appreciate the gifts that God has given those around me -- what a joy.

 Fall Party is another annual event that the middle school puts on, theme and all. This year the theme was Movies! Right up my alley. The girls to the left were from "Remember the Titans." All of the events that the middle school hosts are so much fun to be apart of because the kids go full-out with costumes, activities, etc. It was my privilege during this particular event to be a judge for, and announce, "Best Actor," "Best Actress," and "Best Motion Picture." It was fun to see the kids get so involved with the party, and to be a part of it myself. The party had different elements to it. Students were able to show off their costume, act out a scene (if they were in a movie with others), and also play some games (organized by student             council). Below you can see some of the various pictures taken that night.

Three minions (from Despicable Me)
Me (Barbie) with Heather
As a middle school staff we decided to be "Toy Story" -- great, I know!

(Pictured above: Coach Tebbe and the team getting ready to run, Anne and I calculating times, and one of our captains Josh -- it was his birthday that day. His present:  2 baked potatoes! His favorite! :-) )

Cross Country. It is hard to believe that Cross Country is over. Part of me walks away sad and part of me walks away happy. Sad that it has to end with such a short season (yet a great one), and happy due to the fact that I will have more time to relax and enjoy this beautiful season of colors that God has provided us with. Not having the regimented running schedule will definitely make it harder to run everyday, but with Him I can be strong and stick to my own schedule of running through these beautiful hills and be able to gasp at God’s breathtaking scenery. What an amazing God we have to bless us with such images.

I absolutely love each and every ONE of these people --
and will severely miss running with them each day! GO TEAM!

                  Herbstmesse is, yet, another annual event. Not only for BFA, but for Basel, Switzerland (where it is held). The town puts up a big Farris Wheel (that can be seen from miles away) and everyone comes out to join in the festivities. For BFA in particular the activity focused on is bumper cars. Yes, you heard me correctly, bumper cars. An event that even the teachers participate in, everyone gets geared up that day during school to have fun that night. Anticipation builds as the kids think about not only who they are going to ride with, but more importantly who they are going to “bump” into. In most cases the students go after the teachers (or it sure felt like that as I was driving around). Nonetheless, the event was incredibly fun and made for a great evening of getting to spend time with the kids outside of school. 

Below:  My roommates and me at Herbstmesse!


My Algebra class received a great surprise the one day during class as I presented them with Fall goodies that my mother sent them from the states! They were all very excited to get some candies that we are unable to get here in Germany such as Reese Peanut Butter cups and Tootsie Rolls. One student in particular wanted to thank my mother personally for sending the goodies in the mail; therefore, she wrote a little note on the board (seen below). It is such a great privilege to teach these kids and spend time with them each and everyday. They continue to bless me and bring me joy.

Thank you so much, once again, for being such a great support and encouragement in my life. I continue to pray for you as your names are on my calendar. Please let me know if there is anything specific that you want me to pray for. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Things to look forward to in these next couple of months:
Leading Devotions this upcoming week at school
College Fair Day at the HS (where I will be hosting the "Messiah College" table)
Seussical the Musical performed by BFA
Thanksgiving Dinner with my roommates and friends
Christmas Banquet with BFA friends and family

Praises:  Finding more of my place in the BFA community, wonderful roommates, a great Cross Country season, the love and undying encouragement from all of my friends and family back home! Thank you -- I would not be on this journey without you!!

Prayers:  Having personal alone time with him, my mother's boss (she may have cancer), a friend back home (her father recently passed), and the continual prayer of those serving (not only here but in ALL parts of the world). 

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" 
~ Matthew 28:19

1 comment:

  1. We had a surprise birthday party for my wife, today, and we missed having you here.
    Glad to hear of all that you are doing and praying that the Lord will give you great joy in His service!
