"...and anyone who does not take His cross and follow me is not worthy of me..."
~ Matthew 10:38 ~
~ Matthew 10:38 ~
1. Small group new additions :-)
2. A marvelous middle school staff
3. Birthday celebrations of close friends
4. Random dinner parties
5. Tuesday evening get-togethers with friends
6. Running in the early morning with friends
7. Helping prepare for a conference at BFA
8. Laughs and giggles with friends
9. Skype sessions with loved ones
10. Chill evenings with the roomies
11. Training for a 14K with lovely ladies
12. My first paid baking gig :-)
13. Looking into my future plans
14. Cafe dates with my mentor :-)
15. Smiles that appear on my face due to new music
16. Unplanned afternoon naps
17. The ability and happiness of baking for hours
18. Students that make me laugh and smile frequently
19. Chill movie day with friends
20. Easter with great people :-)
21. A trip to Barcelona, Spain that enabled me to wear sunglasses
22. Running a 14K in Freiburg, Germany as part of a team marathon :-)
23. Having class outside in the beautiful sunny weather
24. Trips to my favorite cafe :-)
25. Turning 25 while in the Swiss Alps surrounded by SNOW! :-)
Thank you SO MUCH for your continued prayers as I serve our Lord in Kandern, Germany at Black Forest Academy as a middle school math teacher. :-)
Please continue to pray with me as I walk with our Lord in the next chapter of our lives together.
"You lead, I'll follow, Your hands hold my tomorrow,
Your grip, Your grace, You know the way,
You guide me tenderly,
When you lead, I'll follow,
Just light the way and I'll go,
Cause I know what you got for me is more than I can see,
So lead me on, on, on and on,
Just lead me on, on, on and on..."
Your grip, Your grace, You know the way,
You guide me tenderly,
When you lead, I'll follow,
Just light the way and I'll go,
Cause I know what you got for me is more than I can see,
So lead me on, on, on and on,
Just lead me on, on, on and on..."
~ You Lead, by Jamie Grace ~