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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Life = Noise

Sometimes it takes silence to hear His plan for our lives. However, how are we supposed to do that with all this noise going on around us? We were once all lost, but now we are found by the one who truly loves us -- and He desires us to resist the noise of life in order to hear HIS desire for our lives.

"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord."
~ Ephesians 5:19 ~

During this specific blog post I will attempt to share with you the "noises" in my life currently. Over the past two months there have been many, many events and happenings both in school and out of it that have brought me to where I am today:  full of noise.

ALTERNATIVE:  "Regenbogen" - aka a mixture of music (Classes)
This year is a little different from last in the fact that I am teaching Mathematics for sixth, seventh, AND eighth grade. Being both challenging and rewarding, God has definitely been stretching me through lesson plans, students, material, tests, and overall relationships with my students. Walking away from each day full of teaching classes leaves me feeling various emotions and thoughts. When it boils down to it, each and every day I feel blessed to be able to have a deep, meaningful relationships with these amazing children of God...but I often wonder what more of a connection I would be able to have with them if it were not for me being their math teacher. I have continued to pray about this as I look towards the future that God has for me, meanwhile so completely grateful for where He currently has me.

Riding bumper cars with a student during Herbstmesse (HUGE fair in Basel, Switzerland)
One of the MANY matches during our tennis season

HIP HOP:  Go-getter music; "we're all in this together" (Tennis)
Head Tennis Coach. Definitely three words that I would not have put together to describe myself; however, this year coaching the BFA tennis team has honestly been such a positive highlight of my school year thus far. With MANY challenging moments and long nights, tennis this year was an incredible blessing that God blessed me with. Coaching and playing along-side these humble individuals of the high school was nothing short of rewarding. I definitely hold a special spot in my heart for my tennis players from this year and cannot thank them enough for representing our team through their sportsmanship, grace, and Christ-like qualities. My team was constantly being complimented on their quality in all areas of life. I was, and still am, honored to be their coach. While attending away meets and holding one of our own, it was evident that our light was shining bright for the other teams to see. All-in-all it was a great experience that I will never forget.

Middle School Staff at the Fall Party (Disney Characters)
BFA Faculty at Herbstmesse (Fair in Basel)

CHRISTIAN POP:  energetic beat, where the heart is (Small Group)
My heart smiles when I think about the six special individuals that make up my sophomore small group (five girls and one co-leader). It continues to be an answer to prayer as I share my heart, love, and life with these amazing women. We continue to pour into one another's lives through laughter, hugs, and tears. We understand each other and continue to build one another up through life's struggles and surprises. Every Wednesday night when I am walking home from small group I have a moment where I smile to myself, laugh out loud, and verbally thank our God above for the blessing that He has bestowed upon me through these excellent women He has meticulously created. I continue to be in awe of the fact that He has purposely placed each of us in each others lives, from now until we meet again in heaven. These girls continue to pull out my heart strings and make my time here SUCH a blessing.

Me and Rachel (one of my roommates)

Me and Sammie (another roommate)
SOUL:  fulfilling our lives with peace (Mentoring)
Recently the high school at BFA decided to start a mentoring program where individuals in the community can reach out to high school students through mentoring. It a privilege of mine to say that I have been able to participate in such an occurrence. Starting this month I will be officially meeting with two females from the high school, both Sophomores. This is honestly something that really excites me. An opportunity to be able to pour into the lives of teens is not one that I take lightly. It is my prayer that I will be able to pour into the lives of these two girls through food, fun, laughter, tears, hugs, and overall life stories and events. When I sit down to think about what role I want out of life...this is it. In the name of Jesus I want to be able to love and support those around me, specifically the younger generation. I have found, over time, that I have a heart for the generations to come, and I cannot THANK my Lord enough for gifting me with this amazing opportunity to do just that. Thank you Lord for continuing to surprise me with gifts that have my name on them.

Oktoberfest :-)
PAUSES:  moments for silence in the music (Time with Friends)
Over the past two months I have briefly had some time to spend with some great friends of mine in the community. Everything from making random Starbucks runs TO running in a 7K race TO going out to dinner and having Cafe time TO attending Oktoberfest for the first time in my life -- I have been grateful to have these "pauses" in the music of life in order to re-cooperate from all the busyness that life brings through teaching, mentoring, and coaching in order to truly grow in the Love of our Lord through friendship, fellowship, and family. Even though it can be hard most times being away from loved ones back in the states, my "family" of friends here at BFA has filled my spare time with happiness and warmth as the comfort of home seems farther and farther away. Each and every day I thank Jesus for the tremendous love and support I continually receive from my close friends around me. God continues to take care of me through the love of those here and back home...and God, I thank you for that (among MANY other things).

At the beginning of the race: Heather, me, and Rachel (Basel, Switzerland)

UPCOMING RECORDS:  the unknown future (Next Year)
People always say "save the best for last," but in this case I am saving the hardest for last. Within the past couple of weeks I have been asked this question over and over again:  "What are you doing next year?" It seems like such a simple question, but unfortunately for me the question triggers a spiral of thoughts. If I had the answer I would give it -- but the best way to answer it is as follows:  "That is a good question. I am interested to see where God takes me." And that is just it -- I am in God's hands. As much as I would love to sit here and say that I am going to be doing x, y, and z next year I really do not have those answers. I am currently seeking God's direction for my life and would appreciate prayer in this regard. Until He is able to show me the next step of His plan for me as per what is to come next, I am waiting patiently and through prayer I know that He will show me the way.

Rachel and me at the end of the Race...we made it!

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."
~ John 14:6 ~

Love and support from Erin via my sign...I love her!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Expectations vs. Faith

Upon returning to Germany it is safe to say that I hit the ground running.

After getting off the plane I was transported directly to BFA where I was able to meet one of my new roommates (Rachel) along with other new members of the BFA community. That evening we proceeded to drive into the nearby town of Lörrach where we searched for household items and enjoyed a meal together.

Trip to IKEA = no space in the car to look at each other

One of my roommates, Sammie, that went to IKEA with me

This summer I had the privilege of attending my missions conference in Annecy, France. The beautiful location and extremely generous people that make up not only CMML, my mission, but the other missions of MSC (Canada) and Echoes (England) made my time there thoroughly enjoyable. Between the french food, the various excursions (such as hiking up a mountain), and conference messages and sessions it was truly a pleasure. I would especially like to thank God for introducing and bringing Heather, Jennifer, and Marilou into my life at the conference where they were representing CMML. These three amazing women adopted me as their own, and words cannot describe how grateful I am for their continual love and friendship. Just one of the many gifts God has been blessing me with.

Annecy, France where the conference for CMML was held -- beautiful!!

The kids leading worship at the conference
Getting back into the swing of things I was thrown into the mixture of meetings, lesson planning, organizing and cleaning the school, and hosting a new faculty member as I prepared to teach Math 6th, 7th, and 8th grade, as well as coach boys and girls high school Tennis. Let us just say that I was, and have been, busy. It has been amazing to see God's faithfulness as He provided 55 NEW staff members to BFA this year. Praise the Lord for His continual love and support as we serve Him in Germany.

Some middle school students enjoying lunch on the first day

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will."
~ Romans 12:2 ~

Speaking of God's provisions I would be remiss if I failed to mention God's presence in my transition into this school year. As some of you know over the summer I was back in the United States in order to work. Yes, work. Now, half of you right now are thinking that I am crazy and the other half maybe feel indifferent. Returning to my summer job of the past four years, I was able to spend my summer with -- guess -- TEENAGERS! Haha.

Middle school faculty weeding the school courtyard 

Being in charge of the teen ministry at Sandy Cove Ministries this summer was a challenging growing experience in many aspects, but ultimately solidified my love for pre-teens and teenagers, particularly when it involves their personal walk with God. With that said I am back in Germany ready to start wearing my various hats as I am involved in the lives of many students. From teaching to small group bible study to coaching, there is not much time spent without them, and honestly, I love it.

Kids at Sandy Cove playing the game "Gaga"

Another part of my transition this year has been moving into a new apartment. It has only taken about two and a half weeks for me to get furniture up and functioning -- thanks to my wonderful roommate Sammie. Now it is just a matter of actually sorting through my things and putting them in their rightful place. However, praise the Lord that I was able to accomplish what I did before school started this past Tuesday.

All of the flags above represent the nations that our students come from at BFA 

Lastly, the best part -- my friends. This specific topic always brings me complete happiness as I think about my friends all over the world. It is honestly a privilege to have so many spectacular brothers and sisters in Christ that share a longing for our Lord. Throughout these last couple of weeks my friendships have brought me closer to our Lord and furthered my relationship with Him. I have been able to spend some much needed time in fellowship through hang-outs, dinners, and special outings. It brings me joy to my heart to see so many pure hearts for Him around the globe.

While spending some time with friends we ran into HERBIE!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your continual love and support as I embark on my second year at Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany. Many blessings to all of you!

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."
~ Romans 12:12 ~

Praise Items
Arriving to Germany safe and sound
Settling into my new apartment
Provisions for BFA staff members
Time spent with new and old friends
Ability to stay in contact with those back home

Prayers Items
Ability to juggle Tennis and Math classes
Students and Teachers easing back into the year
Relationships among students and staff

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Home is an interesting word. You sometimes hear people say, "Home is where the heart is." If you look up the definition of "home" you are most likely to find something along the lines of this: "The place where one lives permanently." The only problem is that both of those do not describe my "home." My heart is currently in two places at once -- the place where I grew up and the place that I now call my land of residence, which ironically is probably not the place that I will permanently live in.  I realize that God is WAY bigger than I am and He has GREAT and AMAZING plans for my life, but I do not know what they are yet (nor will I ever). I just need to trust in Him 100% of the way (which, let us be honest, that is pretty hard sometimes) and rest assure in the fact that I DO have a "home" that is permanent AND where my heart will always be:  Heaven.

What an amazing God we serve, constantly reminding us of how loved we are and the fact that He will always be there for us. No matter what He is the one constant in our lives. How cool is that. He will "never leave us nor forsake us." We can take peace in His arms. Now THAT is a home.

Some of you may be wondering why it has been so long since you've heard from me. I want to apologize for the long time of absence, and please know that there is much to tell. Within this past year I finished my first year of teaching middle school Mathematics at Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Kandern, Germany, and what an AMAZING experience it was. I am also very excited to announce that I will be heading back for yet another year. It has been such an honor and privilege to see how God works in the lives of those around us, including our own for His glory. He truly IS amazing.

Amazing college friends and me at the Wedding :-)

After ending my first year at BFA I returned "home" to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania in order to spend the summer filled with many new and awesome memories:  attending the wedding of a very close friend, going on vacation with my family, getting to see and spend quality time with friends, having the pleasure of seeing and spending time with my church family, and working at my beloved Sandy Cove Ministries for yet another summer of fun-filled activities and speakers focused on our Lord Jesus Christ. God has truly blessed me with all of these amazing people and memories in my life that I know will last a human life-time (or at least until I start forgetting due to age, haha).

Thank you SO MUCH for all of your love and support throughout my time abroad this past year. Please continue to pray as I assume the same role again next year at Black Forest Academy. May God be able to use me, as well as others, to glorify His name and bring others closer to Him.

"For to be sure, He was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power. Likewise, we are weak in Him, yet by God's power we will live with Him to serve you."
~ 2 Corinthians 13:4 ~ 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Vulnerability and Chocolate

Life is about acceptance. Whether we are five, twenty-five, fifty-five, or ninety-five, all we really want to be is accepted. Accepted by our peers, accepted by our family, and accepted by our friends. However, there is one thing that holds us back:  vulnerability.

Vulnerability. One of the hardest things that we face as humans is being vulnerable. Once we open up the door of vulnerability, our hearts have the ability to be broken. However, when we are finally able to free ourselves from the chains of fear that vulnerability puts over our hearts, a sense of freedom comes over us. Freedom to be ourselves, freedom to grow in who we are, and freedom to trust. 

Ironically just the other day I was talking with a friend about vulnerability. Reflecting over the various directions you could go with such a topic, I decided to focus on how it affects us as people, and our relationships with others:

“Being vulnerable is a big deal, and I fear that nowadays some people have a hard time understanding that. It is one thing to be close with someone and share your time with them, but it is another to be completely vulnerable with them and share with them things about yourself that are very deep, that you would not normally share with just anyone.”

Talking with some friends at my Bday party

A couple days ago I was thinking about my missionary orientation program (MOP) that I attended before coming to Germany this past summer. As I think back to that point in my life and the emotions that I was feeling one word comes to mind:  vulnerability. I was vulnerable to the fact that I was leaving everything that I knew and loved to come and serve overseas. I was vulnerable to the fact that I knew nothing and no one in the new environment I was moving to. Lastly, I was vulnerable in my relationship with God – trusting Him with ALL of me in order to be stretched and molded by His hands as I prepared to serve Him at Black Forest Academy.

We need to realize that no matter how hard, painful, and scary vulnerability can be, God is in control and, no matter what we expect to happen or those things that we wish to accomplish, God has a bigger a better plan for our lives. It is often hard to grasp, especially as you go through a change of jobs or environment, that God is fully in control and knows what is to become of our lives. The best expectation to have is to have none. God will take care of everything as long as you leave Him in control.

Anna and I at the Party :-)

Leaving God in control helps us to battle those moments of spiritual and emotional warfare. As believers of Jesus Christ we fully dedicate our lives to the Lord and allow Him to work in and through us as we are on the mission field; however, sometimes we forget that the devil would never pass up an opportunity to take someone such as ourselves down. He (the devil) is constantly going to try and get a foot-hold in our lives and rapidly try to "take us down" through playing into our emotions, which in turn affects our relationships with those around us. I have been learning so much about myself and how the devil is consistently trying to seize different parts of my life that lead me into questioning. Questioning my time on the mission field, questioning my relationships with my believer friends, questioning what my life's purpose is -- and that's when you realize -- that without this attacking that comes straight from the devil we would allow ourselves to possibly become complacent. For it is when the devil is attacking and trying to take over that we know we are doing something right - we are serving our almighty Lord.

Now, the whole time you were reading this you were probably thinking, “Okay, what does vulnerability and chocolate have to do with one another?” Well, I am here to tell you that one of the moments where I was able to be vulnerable within the past couple weeks was at my birthday party (and the various events surrounding it). On April 20th, 2012 I celebrated a special day in my world. My Birthday. For some a birthday is an event that you might not think too much into, but knowing that this was the first birthday I was having away from home (to me) was quite a big deal. However, with the love of amazing roommates and fabulous friends I was able to spend my birthday weekend in style. My roommates came up with this GREAT idea of celebrating the “24 hours of my 24 birthday.” Now, without going into TOO much boring detail I wanted to just give you a glimpse of what exactly my birthday weekend looked like (and possibly make you wish that you would have been here):

Blowing out the Bday candles

Friday, April 20th:
12am – Birthday card given to me by my roommate along with the words "Happy Birthday to you!".....she had specifically woken up from sleeping to tell me this (I was still awake at this time, of course, haha).

1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am – My roommates THANKFULLY let me sleep during those hours so technically those hours of my birthday were "skipped"…but I am COMPLETELY okay with that.

7am – I got out of the shower only to find my room FILLED with signs that said "Happy Birthday, Miss Taylor!" along with balloons everywhere.

8am – I received a note on the way out of my apartment from my roommates with the words saying "8am:  Have a great 24 hours of your 24th birthday today!" "Happy Birthday!"

9am – A breakfast croissant given to me by my roommate (she works as the administrative assistant at the BFA middle school).

10am – A chocolate bar! Yum! 

11am – The WHOLE MIDDLE SCHOOL (about 60-65 people) all crowded in one room to sing "Happy Birthday to You" (the Happy Birthday song) to me......SO CUTE! (The end of this was filmed and is currently on Facebook).

Birthday Dinner :-)

12pm – Special Birthday lunch for our staff April birthdays at the middle school that was made for us by the fellow staff members that we work with.....SO YUMMY! Strawberry, Feta, and Chicken on a salad with Poppyseed dressing!! YUM! And the dessert was, well, magnificent! Haha.

1pm - I was "wisked" away by a woman that is my mentor here at BFA and we walked for about 2 hours outside in the sunshine!

2pm – (I missed cause of the walk) – But, when I got back to school there were yellow (my favorite color) flowers on my desk.

3pm – Another piece of chocolate given to me. Yum and yum.

4pm – "Happy Birthday" by NSync played over the middle school LOUDSPEAKER at the school, haha. 

5pm – Presents from my roommates at home, which consisted of TONS of baking materials/pans – they know me well! 

6pm – Dinner made for me by my roommates (Cheesesteak Strombolli shaped like an “M” with a little heart).

Dessert Table #1

7pm – The time that my dessert party started.
Dessert party: everyone brought their own dessert and we ate like pigs....there was "build your own sundae" of course! (A MEGAN must).

8pm – My roommates came out with candles lit in some peanut butter brownies and everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to me.

9pm – A small scrapbook was given to me filled with “sweet notes” from family and friends all over the world.

10pm – A surprise skype date (that I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT) with two DEAR friends from college that will be serving our Lord in Haiti this upcoming year.

11pm – A rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song talked out to me by my roommates followed by a head/shoulder massage.....I was not complaining.

12am – A note on my pillow saying that even though my birthday was over that it was still my birthday weekend! YAYY! haha

Dessert Table #2

Saturday, April 21st:
Slept in 
Went to see "Mirror, Mirror" with Julia Roberts -- PS she is so SCARY in that movie!
Went to bed early to get ready for the Big Race the next day! 

Sunday, April 22nd:
Left SUPER early for the team Marathon in Zurich, Switzerland 
Ran the marathon -- mine was 17.8 km aka about 11 miles -- it was cold, then sunny, then drizzling, then SLEETING, then HAILING, then cold, then sunny again ALL WHILE I WAS RUNNING!!!!!! Such an experience! Haha 
Came back to my apartment, showered, hung out with my roommates for a little, then headed to the Bathes (which are heated pools inside and outside).
Soaked in the warm Bathes for about 2.5 hours and relaxed all my muscles ..... mmmmmmmm
Came home and got ready for the week ahead

The two teams for our Marathon run in Zurich, Switzerland

All-in-all it was a FABULOUS weekend and a GREAT reminder of God’s faithfulness in our journey with Him. He is constantly providing us with wisdom, strength, and kisses that are meant purely for us as we live our lives to serve Him in all ways possible. Thank you Lord for giving me such great friends and family that serve me as a constant reminder of your love for us, your children.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thoughts from an Easter Sunday...

Last night I had a dream. I had a dream that there was so much snow all over the much that you would be digging for hours to actually get to the bottom (or the ground). There was a group of men near the forest that were up to no good. Even with the snow-covered hills and plants they were trying to add/take away from the forest in their own special way. Many were upset with them, confused why it was so important to complete this task. They worked in a valley that was easy, due to the snow, to slide into, but very difficult to climb out of. While they attended to their task something started to change. Moods changed from stubbornness to panic. Right in the midst of us there was an avalanche beginning to erupt.

Our Belarus missions trip team

As people scattered trying to climb out of the piles and piles of snow, many began to face the fact that they would not make it out. As I began to climb and tear away at the snow, I started to face that same reality. Then, out of nowhere, came two men. Two men with hands willing to help me up these valley walls filled of snow. Before I knew it I was on top of this massive hill looking down at all of those that were in mass panic due to their situation. As I turned around, I saw my house. Very random, I thought. Why would my house be here? It was at that moment that a man with two small children appeared in front of me. As the man quickly handed his two children to me it was evident what he was to do next. As he said farewell to his children, I knew they were not going to see him ever again -- not in this life. The two small children clung to me as their father faded away, going to help those in need. The children and I walked towards my house, tears streaming down my face. As we entered the door of my house there were my parents, feeding the masses with the food they had to spare. Overwhelmed by what this father had just done for his children that I was now entrusted with, the tears started to pour out of me as I cried uncontrollably. How could one man love his children SO much as to leave them, going to save other people...those people that were so undeserving.

We were given the opportunity to visit a Gypsy family, recent Christians

As I woke up from my sleep I could feel the warm heat from the tears rolling down my cheeks in reality. Wanting to know what time it was, I headed out to the living room. To my surprise and much delight, God had presented me with a gift...a kiss that was meant just for me...SNOW! Can we just take a moment and think about our Creator and how He has wonderfully created each and every one of us individually.

In Belarus we had the chance to perform at church Sunday morning

What a pleasant gift that God gave me that Easter day, letting me personally know how much He truly does love me -- how He gave His ONLY son to save MY life.....MY measly little life. God was reaching out to me. What an overwhelming feeling of joy to know that we ARE those small little children that Jesus died for - the children that He handed over to God, going off to protect us, our lives, and our future. God is constantly talking to us, reaching out to us. But, are we choosing to listen to Him?

Having recently gotten back from a missions trip to Belarus I tend to think now, more than ever, about God's role in my life. How He loves me, how He wishes me to spread His love and word to His other children, and how He will - no matter what - ALWAYS be there for me. Who else can say that?? Who! We have tons of friends that consider us "top priority," but who of them can say that they will be with us...always. ALWAYS! None. None of them. Sorry, but it's the truth. I have good news though! God will ALWAYS be with us, as long as we can just do one simple thing:  trust in Him.

Community outreach event; we performed a skit of how Jesus died for our sins

Small group bible study at my host family's house

Believe me whole-heartedly when I say that I myself am consistently and constantly working on this myself. Like I said, I just got back from Belarus (for those of you who do not know -- that is close to Russia). While there I was able to be poured into by the Holy Spirit. Learning more and more about my God, my Jesus, and my brothers and sisters in Christ. While there I was able to meet siblings in Christ of mine that are honestly and truly on FIRE for God and the 66 love letters that He has left us with in what we like to call "The Bible." A week ago today I had just traveled about 20 hours to get home back to Germany from my blessed time getting to know God's people in Belarus, but while there I was able to reflect a little bit:

Connecting with USee, a community outreach team at a church in Belarus

April 4th, 2012.

Wow. Wow. Wow. 
What a day.
Can I package these people up and take them with me everywhere? Their fire and passion is so evidently for Jesus, for God, for other people. They burn brighter than ever and find such joy in how they get to live in Brest, Belarus and spread the love of Jesus to the people here. My one prayer is that I am able to not lose the fire that I've gained while being here. In my head I have such big plans for trying to get involved in the community and trying to do more outreach, but how -- where -- when? I need to honestly start praying about where God will use me from here...especially as new opportunities present themselves in these next couple of years for me. 

As I sat in the kitchen with my host mother tonight the conversation evolved. Very quickly I found myself asking about their house that they are renovating, wondering when it would be done. Through google translation I found out that it is less expensive if they pay out of pocket to build the second floor of their house (right now they have only 2 bedrooms for them and their two children). I learned that if they were in the United States it would be a lot less expensive. After learning yesterday that you get about $100 when you work for one month there in Belarus - a 2 bedroom, 1 floored house for $170,000 is not exactly chump change. 

The conversation evolved so that I was able to learn that some people from Belarus leave to go live elsewhere for a better living, a better life...but my host mother was confused by this:  "Why would you leave? For a more materialistic life? We get the honor of being here and telling people about God, sharing His love."

WOW. Really? I could not have been hit MORE by our conversation. How would I ever be the same? I pray that I never will be the same after such a deep connection with someone I just met a couple days prior -- but we are one body, we have but one God. 

After getting quite emotional and crying, I had the unique opportunity of thanking our host mother for being such a great example of what it means to be a Christian. "More people should be like you," I said. At that moment our puzzle pieces fit together -- we were able to form an even tighter bond then we had before. I could tell just by looking at her face that we understood each other and that, due to God's guidance, our hearts are breaking for the same reason. 

Glory be to God who stirs emotions inside of us at the very moment that we need them.

Getting a tour of Belarus' Fortress

My question to you is this:  What is stirring your heart? And, is that stirring drawing you closer to Him? What are YOU going to do about it?

God, lead the way. Let YOUR will be done.

I had some questions, of course. :-)

"As Jesus was about to go up to Jerusalem, He took the twelve disciples aside by themselves, and on the way He said to them, 'Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem; and the Son of Man will be delivered to the chief priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to the Gentiles to mock and scourge and crucify Him, and on the third day He will be raised up.'"
~ Matthew 20:17 ~

The women of our Belarus missions trip

Girl time:  visiting a Catholic orthodox church in Brest, Belarus

Overall it was a GREAT experience that I will NEVER be the same from!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Now judging on the title of this blog my "theme" could go two different ways. There could be the "I'm so overwhelmed with happiness that I'm bursting at the seems," or there could be the "I'm so overwhelmed with stress that my head is about to pop." Needless to say, this type of "overwhelmed" is about BOTH types.

These past couple of weeks have been, well, overwhelming. With various events that have taken place such as:
Subbing at the middle school dorm for 4 days
Skyping/talking with friends
Celebrating Pi Day (3.14) with my math students
Middle school spring parties (with an olympics theme)
Talking with individual students
Meetings/communication with parents
Festival in town
Having a friend over for dinner
Small group every Wednesday
Celebrating teacher birthdays
Financial stressors
Staff Devotions
Preparing for our missions trip to Belarus
My life has been nothing short of packed. Packed full of great and exciting events, yes, but pushing them all together in the same month can be somewhat of a stressor. I can honestly say I have never battled so much with my faith as I did this past month. When things tend to get busy (either good or bad) it is easy to lose sight of what is important -- my relationship with God.
Subbing at the middle school dorm
I am happy to say that I have been able to see God truly shine through the little things in life these past couple of days such as the beautiful sunshine, the students in my life He has blessed me with, and the little kisses that He sends specifically to me in my times of need. No matter what is happening, good or bad, God is looking out for me.

Algebra class making 3.1415 (Pi)
On March 12th this is just part of the prayer that I prayed that night, and I pray that as time goes on that I am able to pray the same thing over and over, knowing that God is in control at all times:

"Lord, if it be your will – take me. Take me instead. There are so many different teachers here that deserve to be here more than me. They are more creative, more intuitive when it comes to the students, and more prepared each day for what that day holds for them and their students. I realize, Lord, that I have talents and abilities – but who am I to say that I should stay here. Who am I to say that I shall be the one to teach the classes that I do. I realize that confidence is part of who we are in you and how this makes us your children, but at the same time I believe in myself enough to know that wherever you put me I will make the most of the situation. You know my heart, you know my desires, and I am willing to listen to the will that you have for my life in order to glorify You in the best way that you see fit."

Basically, I do not know what is going to happen. Whether God has me here for 5 more days or 5 more years -- I am at His will. I will not limit Him to my minuscule thoughts of what He may or may not be able to do. I will not put God in a box so that I am limiting my view of Him, but most of all, I will not direct the path that He has set out for me in one way or another. He has special plans for me -- and I am not about to deny Him or myself that great, great privilege of living them out, for Him and Him alone.

Spring Party:  Olympics

Thank you for your support as I continue to battle the devil in various parts of my life. Please continue to pray as I am in Brest, Belarus right now on a missions trip as a part of BFA with 7 students and another leader. May our time here be eye-opening and glorifying to our God as we serve Him in various ways. (More on this later, but if you want you can check out our blog: Thank you, thank you, thank you again!!

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow you." 
~ Isaiah 43:2